Prva LG Laundry Lounge praonica rublja na svijetu otvorena je u New Yorku 2012. godine. Kada su počeli osvajati tržišta Europe, franšiza LG Laundry Lounge prvo se pojavila u Hrvatskoj, a nakon uspješnog starta, franšiza se širi i u drugim zemljama svijeta.
The first LG Laundry Lounge laundry in the world was opened in New York in 2012. When they began to conquer the markets of Europe, the LG Laundry Lounge franchise first appeared in Croatia, and after a successful start, the franchise spread to other countries around the world.
LG Laundry Lounge je brand samoposlužnih praonica koje pružaju usluge pranja, sušenja i glačanja rublja. Koncept je osmislila i razvila tvrtka LG Electronics. Prva samoposlužna praonica rublja pod brandom LG Laundry Lounge otvorena je u New Yorku 2012. godine, da bi 2015. u Hrvatskoj otvorila prvu poslovnicu u Zagrebu, a zatim i u Zadru.
LG Laundry Lounge is a brand of self-service laundry service that provides washing, drying and ironing services. The concept was developed by LG Electronics. The first LG Laundry Lounge branded laundry opened in New York in 2012 and iits first branch office in Croatia in Zagreb and then in Zadar in 2015.
Najveća prednost ove franšize je tehnološki najnovija generacija strojeva, ali i reputacija i vrijednost LG branda
Što čini LG Laundry Lounge posebnim?
What makes LG Laundry Lounge so special?
Kvaliteta opreme i usluge. Kako su ovo strojevi velikog kapaciteta, mogu se prati i veći komadi, kao što su pernate jakne, prekrivači, deke...
Quality of equipment and services. As these machines are of big capacity, you can wash larger pieces such as overcoat jackets, blankets ...
Ugodan ambijent. LG Laundry Lounge se trudi da i dizajnom praonice prenese dio „kućne atmosfere“. Bojama, unutarnjim uređenjem i savršenom čistoćom prostora stvorena je ugodna atmosfera, a klijentima je na raspolaganju besplatan internet, televizija, aparati za kavu, sokovi i grickalice, dječji kutak – sve kako bi se osjećali „kao kod kuće“. Dok čekaju, klijenti mogu napuniti svoj pametni uređaj ili besplatno koristiti tablet.
Pleasant ambience. The LG Laundry Lounge strives to bring the "home atmosphere", thanks to the design of the laundry. Colors, interior decorations and the perfect cleanliness of the space makes a pleasant atmosphere, and guests have free internet, television, coffee makers, juices and snacks, a children's corner - all to feel "at home". While they are waiting, customers can fill their smart device or use the tablet free.
Uvjete franšize pogledajte klikom na link.
Click the link to see the franchise conditions.
Do danas su otvorene mnoge praonice pod ovim brandom i to u Manili na Filipinima, u Kuala Lumpuru, Dubaiju, Irskoj, Italiji, a od 15. srpnja i u Podgorici u Crnoj Gori.
To date, there are many laundries under this brand in Manila, Philippines, Kuala Lumpur, Dubai, Ireland, Italy, and from July 15th also in Podgorica, Montenegro.
Nakon dugogodišnjeg boravka u raznim zemljama širom svijeta, Jelena i Ilija Jocović shvatili su da nedostaje nešto jako bitno u Crnoj Gori, a što olakšava svakodnevne životne obaveze. Pokrenuli su zanimljiv poslovni trend – samoposlužnu praonicu rublja LG Laundry Lounge.
After years of stay in various countries around the world, Jelena and Ilija Jocović realized that something very important was missing in Montenegro, making it easier for everyday life commitments. They launched an interesting business trend - the LG Laundry Lounge's self-service laundry.
LG Laundry Lounge - Podgorica, Crna Gora
LG Laundry Lounge je originalani poslovni koncept koji se pokazuje kao vrlo uspješnim poslovnim poduhvatom u Podgorici, posebice nakon što su ljudi shvatili kako se profesionalni uređaji u praonici rublja ne mogu ni usporediti sa kućanskima, koje su predviđene za puno manje kapacitete, ne mogu izdržati toliko ciklusa kao profesionalne, a ne mogu im parirati ni kvalitetom pranja i sušenja.
LG Laundry Lounge is the original business concept that shows itself as a very successful business venture in Podgorica, especially after people have realized that professional laundry machines can not be compared to home appliances that are foreseen for much less capacity, they can not withstand so much cycles as professional and can not compare them with the quality of washing and drying.
Segment samoposlužnih praonica u zemljama Istočne Europe nije zasićen, čime se uvećava šansa za uspjeh. Za ovaj su biznis potrebna, početna investicija od 20.000 eura te prostor od 30-ak kvadrata, a povrat investicije je moguć već u prvoj godini.
The segment of self-service laundries in Eastern European countries is not saturated, thus increasing the chance of success. For this business is needed, an initial investment of 20,000 euros and a space of 30 square meters, and a return on investment is possible already in the first year.
LG Laundry Lounge - Filipini
LG Laundry Lounge - Dubai
Franšiza LG Laundry Lounge je otvorena u Italiji u Bologni, a franšiza je uspješno lansirana i na azijskom tržištu, i to na Filipinima.
The LG Laundry Lounge franchise was opened in Italy in Bologna, and the franchise was successfully launched in the Asian market, in the Philippines.
Ukoliko ste zainteresirani za pokretanje franšize LG Laundry Lounge i potrebne su vam dodatne informacije slobodno nas kontaktirajte na mail ili telefon 01 3091 870, 091 8 091 091.
If you are interested in starting the LG Laundry Lounge franchise and you need additional information please feel free to contact us by mail or phone 01 3091 870, 091 8 091 091.